
These are the exact tools I used to go from being a completely exhausted and overwhelmed woman to feeling like I’m living my best life.

Tired of feeling exhausted, burnt out, or just running in circles? This is the coaching service to fulfil your deepest desires as a woman. This method is designed to help you become confident and free, enjoy life more, prioritize what your heart needs and wants, work less and accomplish more. If you’re ready to live a fuller life while still making progress towards your biggest goals, join me on this exciting journey. Book now!


I will help you to master your mind, body and spirit. I have been through some challenging times but that has only made me stronger in all aspects of life. My goal is to help people all over the world achieve personal freedom mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally. As living proof of the efficacy of this method myself, I will guide you on your journey towards better mental health, personal development and living your best life.

Let us get in touch and together, open up new possibilities for your goal of self-improvement.

  • I have poor sleep patterns
  • I get distracted by every task
  • My immune system is hard to understand
  • I lack energy
  • I don’t appreciate sleep
  • I have recurring mood swings
  • I sense negative self-talk
  • I find it hard to balance social and work-life

1 hr

$120 AU

Consists of eight sixty-minute coaching sessions.

The darkest part of the night comes before dawn!

The number of sessions needed to achieve your goal will depend on your specific case


Get Your Coaching Service Now

Let’s Get to the next level with Rhoda Chaalan!

Make The Change!