Youth Coaching

Youth Coaching service allows me to assist young people to develop the life and career skills that will equip them for success. I do this by supporting them to learn about themselves, strengthen their emotional resilience, and discover their true purpose in life – the ‘why’ behind all their actions. This coaching program not only creates an inspiring plan for their future but also supports them to navigate their way through life with confidence. This equips them with the needed skills to achieve their dreams.


Would you like to take your life to the next level? Do you want to improve your confidence, happiness and health? The Life Coaching Module will guide you through six steps of self-empowerment that will allow you to design a tailored plan that takes your health and well-being to a new level.

  • Yr. 6-12 students

Steps For My School Success empowers students to take responsibility for their learning. It helps to study methods, give mental health awareness, identify potential blockers, and then, set and review their personal learning goals. This package is a one-to-one online or face–to–face coaching package for youths.

  • Age 18 - 21

The My TOP Performance Plan teaches senior students the skills and strategies that TOP school, university, TAFE or new jobs. They can then use this knowledge to design a tailored action plan that will take their education and work ethics performance to a new level.


Yr. 6-12 students

You will get 5 x 40-minute life coaching sessions, with your first 30 mins free.



Age 18 - 21

This package is a one-to-one online or face-to-face coaching package for youth.

You will get 5 x 40-minute life coaching sessions, with your first 30 mins free.



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Let’s Get to the next level with Rhoda Chaalan!

Make The Change!